散列技术是在记录的存储位置和它的关键字之间确立一个对应关系 f,使得关键字 key
对应的存储位置 f(key)
。函数 f
被称之为哈希函数(hash function),使用哈希技术将数据存储在一块连续的地址区域中,该连续的存储空间我们称之为散列表,也就是哈希表(hash table)。
如果两个值在一个地址,就是 冲突(collision)。
- 开放定址法
- 再散列函数法
- 链地址法(拉链法)
- 公共溢出区法
假如在理想的状态下完全没有冲突,哈希表是所有查找中性能最高的,但是在极端情况下(全是一个地址),就是一个链表(链地址法)了。 测量性能我们主要是以下边几个标准:
- 散列表是否均匀
- 处理冲突的方式
- 散列表的负载因子 负载因子 = 表中记录个数 / 散列表的长度
优点:在理想的状态下,查找、插入、删除操作的效率是最高的,是O(1),树的相同操作也是需要O(n)的时间级的。 缺点:要时刻注意散列表的负载因子,准备扩容;要在面对真实的场景的时候,采用正确的冲突处理方法。
响应时间是比内存空间相对更重要的东西。 移动端的App是面向用户的,用户体验最直观的体现就是时间!响应时间、动画流畅度、屏幕帧数等等,都是这一思想的体现,而在很多优秀的第三方,也都使用了这一思路。当然,这一思想的主要也会造成很多问题,比如说内存暴涨以及OOM问题,这就是另外的问题了。
话回正题。 “==”代表的是两个对象的指针的直接对比两个对象的指针,也就是内存地址;而“isEqual”是对比对象的值。以下边代码为例:
NSString *stringA = @"BiBoyang";
NSMutableString *stringB = [stringA mutableCopy];
BOOL equalA = (stringA == stringB);//0
BOOL equalB = [stringA isEqual:stringB];//1
BOOL equalC = [stringA isEqualToString:stringB];//1
在 NSObject.h
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
@property (readonly) NSUInteger hash;
@interface Person : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate *lastName;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
if (self == object) {
return YES;
if (![object isKindOfClass:[Person class]]) {
return NO;
return [self isEqualToPerson:(Person *)object];
- (BOOL)isEqualToPerson:(Person *)person {
if (!person) {
return NO;
BOOL haveEqualFirstName = (!self.firstName && !person.firstName) || [self.firstName isEqualToString:person.firstName];
BOOL haveEqualLastName = (!self.lastName && !person.lastName) || [self.lastName isEqualToDate:person.lastName];
return haveEqualFirstName && haveEqualLastName;
然后要说到hash方法。 第一种方法:
return 1337;
- (NSUIntger)hash {
NSUIntger stringToHash = [NSString stringWithFormat:"%@:%@",_firstName,_lastName];
return [stringToHash hash];
- (NSUIntger)hash {
NSUIntger firstNameHash = [_firstName hash];
NSUIntger lastNameHash = [_lastName hash];
NSUIntger ageHash = _age;
return firstNameHash ^ lastNameHash ^ ageHash;
我们打开 CF-1153.18.tar.gz。
/* String hashing: Should give the same results whatever the encoding; so we hash UniChars.
If the length is less than or equal to 96, then the hash function is simply the
following (n is the nth UniChar character, starting from 0):
hash(-1) = length
hash(n) = hash(n-1) * 257 + unichar(n);
Hash = hash(length-1) * ((length & 31) + 1)
If the length is greater than 96, then the above algorithm applies to
characters 0..31, (length/2)-16..(length/2)+15, and length-32..length-1, inclusive;
thus the first, middle, and last 32 characters.
Note that the loops below are unrolled; and: 257^2 = 66049; 257^3 = 16974593; 257^4 = 4362470401; 67503105 is 257^4 - 256^4
If hashcode is changed from UInt32 to something else, this last piece needs to be readjusted.
!!! We haven't updated for LP64 yet
NOTE: The hash algorithm used to be duplicated in CF and Foundation; but now it should only be in the four functions below.
Hash function was changed between Panther and Tiger, and Tiger and Leopard.
这句话的大意是:这个字符串的大小如果小于等于96,则保证hash的安全;如果大小大于96了,则无法保证安全,它只会对前32,中32,后32进行hash。 也就是这个宏的由来
#define HashEverythingLimit 96
也就是说会大大增加冲突的概率。 在源码中我们可以查看到
CFHashCode __CFStringHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
/* !!! We do not need an IsString assertion here, as this is called by the CFBase runtime only */
CFStringRef str = (CFStringRef)cf;
const uint8_t *contents = (uint8_t *)__CFStrContents(str);
CFIndex len = __CFStrLength2(str, contents);
if (__CFStrIsEightBit(str)) {
contents += __CFStrSkipAnyLengthByte(str);
return __CFStrHashEightBit(contents, len);
} else {
return __CFStrHashCharacters((const UniChar *)contents, len, len);
#define HashNextFourUniChars(accessStart, accessEnd, pointer) \
{result = result * 67503105 + (accessStart 0 accessEnd) * 16974593 + (accessStart 1 accessEnd) * 66049 + (accessStart 2 accessEnd) * 257 + (accessStart 3 accessEnd); pointer += 4;}
#define HashNextUniChar(accessStart, accessEnd, pointer) \
{result = result * 257 + (accessStart 0 accessEnd); pointer++;}
/* In this function, actualLen is the length of the original string; but len is the number of characters in buffer. The buffer is expected to contain the parts of the string relevant to hashing.
CF_INLINE CFHashCode __CFStrHashCharacters(const UniChar *uContents, CFIndex len, CFIndex actualLen) {
CFHashCode result = actualLen;
if (len <= HashEverythingLimit) {
const UniChar *end4 = uContents + (len & ~3);
const UniChar *end = uContents + len;
while (uContents < end4) HashNextFourUniChars(uContents[, ], uContents); // First count in fours
while (uContents < end) HashNextUniChar(uContents[, ], uContents); // Then for the last <4 chars, count in ones...
} else {
const UniChar *contents, *end;
contents = uContents;
end = contents + 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(contents[, ], contents);
contents = uContents + (len >> 1) - 16;
end = contents + 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(contents[, ], contents);
end = uContents + len;
contents = end - 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(contents[, ], contents);
return result + (result << (actualLen & 31));
/* This hashes cString in the eight bit string encoding. It also includes the little debug-time sanity check.
CF_INLINE CFHashCode __CFStrHashEightBit(const uint8_t *cContents, CFIndex len) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
if (!__CFCharToUniCharFunc) { // A little sanity verification: If this is not set, trying to hash high byte chars would be a bad idea
CFIndex cnt;
Boolean err = false;
if (len <= HashEverythingLimit) {
for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++) if (cContents[cnt] >= 128) err = true;
} else {
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 32; cnt++) if (cContents[cnt] >= 128) err = true;
for (cnt = (len >> 1) - 16; cnt < (len >> 1) + 16; cnt++) if (cContents[cnt] >= 128) err = true;
for (cnt = (len - 32); cnt < len; cnt++) if (cContents[cnt] >= 128) err = true;
if (err) {
// Can't do log here, as it might be too early
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: CFHash() attempting to hash CFString containing high bytes before properly initialized to do so\n");
CFHashCode result = len;
if (len <= HashEverythingLimit) {
const uint8_t *end4 = cContents + (len & ~3);
const uint8_t *end = cContents + len;
while (cContents < end4) HashNextFourUniChars(__CFCharToUniCharTable[cContents[, ]], cContents); // First count in fours
while (cContents < end) HashNextUniChar(__CFCharToUniCharTable[cContents[, ]], cContents); // Then for the last <4 chars, count in ones...
} else {
const uint8_t *contents, *end;
contents = cContents;
end = contents + 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(__CFCharToUniCharTable[contents[, ]], contents);
contents = cContents + (len >> 1) - 16;
end = contents + 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(__CFCharToUniCharTable[contents[, ]], contents);
end = cContents + len;
contents = end - 32;
while (contents < end) HashNextFourUniChars(__CFCharToUniCharTable[contents[, ]], contents);
return result + (result << (len & 31));
NSString *aaa = @"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee";
NSString *bbb = @"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqbbwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee";
BOOL equalA = (aaa == bbb);//False
BOOL equalB = [aaa isEqual:bbb];//False
BOOL equalC = ([aaa hash] == [bbb hash]);//True
Objective-C的hash实现实际上全部写在 CFBasicHash中,找个机会一定要看一下。